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Berikut adalah audio perkuliahan “Politik Dunia Ketiga” FISIP UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta pada tahun 2024:
- Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS) | PDF
- Understanding Underdevelopment | AUDIO | PDF
- The Political Economy of Developing World | AUDIO | PDF
- The Surge and Partial Retreat of Democracy | AUDIO | VIDEO
- Globalization and internationalism
- Corruption and development | PAPER PERSENTATION 1
- The Politics of Rural Poor | PAPER PERSENTATION 2
- The Politics of Urban Poor | PAPER PERSENTATION 3
- Political Parties and Development | PAPER PERSENTATION 4
- Electoral System and Development | PAPER PERSENTATION 5
- Soldiers and Politics | PAPER PERSENTATION 6
- Religion and Development | PAPER PERSENTATION 7
- Political Culture | PAPER PERSENTATION 8
- Gender and Development | PAPER PERSENTATION 9
- Social Media and Development | PAPER PERSENTATION 10

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